Environment Technology

Are People Abandoning Electric Cars? How Eco-Friendly Are They Really?

As electric vehicles (EVs) continue to surge in popularity, challenging conventional gas-powered cars, the discourse around their environmental impact intensifies. A critical evaluation of the latest data reveals the complexities of EVs’ eco-friendliness and carbon emissions.

The Environmental Footprint of EVs vs. Gas-Powered Cars

Production Phase

The journey of an EV begins with a carbon-intensive process, primarily due to the extraction, refinement, and transportation of lithium-ion batteries. This phase indeed positions EVs at a higher carbon footprint than internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles initially. However, global automotive giants like Volkswagen, Toyota, and General Motors are aiming for carbon neutrality in the coming decades, underscoring an industry-wide shift towards sustainability (Euronews, 2023)​​.

Lifetime Emissions and Efficiency

Once on the road, EVs outshine their ICE counterparts significantly. They emit no tailpipe emissions, which, combined with a greener electricity grid, substantially reduces their lifetime carbon emissions. An EV in Europe, for example, emits about 17-30% less greenhouse gas than petrol and diesel cars over its lifecycle. This reduction could jump to at least 73% by 2050 as the EU’s energy mix becomes cleaner (European Environment Agency, 2018)​​. Furthermore, EVs are inherently more energy-efficient, converting up to 86% of the electrical energy from the grid to power at the wheels, compared to about 20% for gasoline cars (Euronews, 2023)​​.

The variability of emissions from charging EVs depends significantly on the energy source of the grid. In regions like Norway, where hydropower dominates, EVs have a minuscule carbon footprint. Conversely, in areas reliant on coal or other fossil fuels, the emissions advantage narrows but remains favorable compared to gas-powered vehicles (MIT Climate Portal, 2023)​​.

Air Quality and Public Health

Crowded city street with pedestrians and vehicles during rush hour, emphasizing the challenges of urban traffic congestion and the need for sustainable transportation solutions.

Beyond greenhouse gases, EVs offer clear advantages in urban air quality and public health. By producing zero exhaust emissions, they contribute significantly less to air pollution, which is linked to respiratory diseases, heart conditions, and premature deaths. Nonetheless, it’s essential to acknowledge that EVs still produce particulate matter from tire and brake wear (European Environment Agency, 2018;, 2023)​​​​.

The Debate on Battery Production

The environmental impact of battery production for electric vehicles (EVs) is a topic of considerable debate and research, intertwining concerns about raw material extraction, energy-intensive manufacturing, and geographical variations with insightful studies and reports.

1. Raw Material Extraction and Manufacturing Energy Use

One of the primary environmental concerns involves the extraction of raw materials like lithium and cobalt, which are central to lithium-ion batteries. This extraction process can cause significant environmental degradation, including water pollution and depletion. Additionally, the human rights issues, particularly in cobalt mining in regions like the Democratic Republic of Congo, raise serious ethical concerns.

The energy-intensive nature of battery production further adds to the environmental load. Studies have shown that the carbon footprint of this phase can be substantial, especially in regions where the manufacturing process relies on fossil fuels. For instance, research by the IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute noted significant variations in energy use and CO2 emissions in lithium-ion vehicle battery production, depending on geographic and technological factors (Emilsson & Dahllöf, 2019).

2. Geographical Variations in Battery Production

The environmental impact of battery production is not uniform globally and varies based on the regional energy mix used in the manufacturing process. For example, batteries produced in areas with a higher reliance on renewable energy sources tend to have a lower carbon footprint compared to those produced in regions heavily dependent on coal or other fossil fuels. The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) provides an analysis of these variations, highlighting how the carbon footprint associated with battery production can differ significantly across different regions (Hall & Lutsey, 2018).

3. Insights from the Argonne National Laboratory’s GREET Model

The Argonne National Laboratory’s GREET (Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Technologies) Model offers a comprehensive view of the emissions from battery manufacturing. This model takes into account various factors like the energy sources for manufacturing and the efficiency of different production technologies. It provides a nuanced understanding of how different manufacturing practices and energy sources can impact the overall carbon emissions of EV batteries.

Conclusion: A Greener Horizon with EVs

Despite the environmental costs associated with their production, EVs represent a significant step forward in reducing automotive emissions and combating climate change. The transition to electric mobility is complemented by the gradual decarbonization of the energy grid and innovations in battery technology, which promise to enhance the environmental benefits of EVs even further.

As the world grapples with the urgent need for sustainable transportation solutions, EVs emerge as a crucial component of the strategy. Their adoption is not merely a consumer choice but a collective stride towards a more sustainable, cleaner future. The evidence tilts in favor of electric mobility as a greener alternative to traditional vehicles, underscoring the importance of accelerating the shift towards electric transportation.


  1. Euronews. (2023). “From manufacture to lifetime emissions, just how green are EVs compared to petrol or diesel cars?” Retrieved from
  2. European Environment Agency (EEA). (2018). “EEA report confirms: electric cars are better for climate and air quality.” Retrieved from
  3. MIT Climate Portal. (2023). “Are electric vehicles definitely better for the climate than gas-powered cars?” Retrieved from
  4. (2023). “The Environmental Impact of Electric Cars: A Comparison to Gas-Powered Cars.” Retrieved from
  5. Emilsson, E., & Dahllöf, L. (2019). “Lithium-ion vehicle battery production: Status 2019 on energy use, CO2 emissions, use of metals, products environmental footprint, and recycling.” IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
  6. Hall, D., & Lutsey, N. (2018). “Effects of battery manufacturing on electric vehicle life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions.” The International Council on Clean Transportation.
  7. Argonne National Laboratory. “GREET Model.”

Mercer Alex

MBA from Harvard, CEO of Omninfohub.

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